
What's up?

Things are moving so fast now, it's like Addie has become a mini-toddler overnight. And she has such a great sense of humor. She will crack up at your faces and jokes, and loves to play her own jokes like handing you an item, then pulling it back instead. She cracks up at this.

She's a wild eater. You have to be careful about how much food you put in front of her. If she likes it, she'll basically put it in her mouth as fast as she can muster. Her cheeks will fill up with food and you have to give her a minute to catch up. It's somewhat funny, but our parental choking fear kicks in, and it's not so funny anymore. One blue berry at a time is good enough for now...

Addie's got a huge range of sounds and baby-words. She really seems to be talking a lot now, even though we can't really make out the words. Oh, and she says Dada a lot! Laura: "Say Mama. Can you say Mama?" Addie: "Dada, Da da da". It's pretty funny.

She's also waving a lot more. She waves good bye to me in the morning, and when I get home. Then other times randomly just for fun. It's pretty great.

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