2. Learning to wave. Every night we have a routine of waving goodnight to the lamps while we turn them off just before bed. At first I waved. Now Addie's figuring it out and gives her little clasping wave to at least the first few lamps. Every night she does it a bit more!
3. Spangolian. Addie is speaking in full sentences about everything from Britney Spears bald head to advanced pincher techniques for chowing on blue berries. The only problem is that English is not her first language, so the topics of her conversation are purely speculation at this point. She knows Mama and Dada and Papa. She also knows Baba, Gowa, and EEEEEEEoooouuuuphzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. More new sounds everyday - it's really fun....
I also play a similiar game of give and take with my pups. They take, and I give. sheesh.
Lil' miss Adeline Rae (sp?)is looking good enough to eat!!!!!!!!!! Love to hang with her and the parentals again soon!
Thanks for passing on the blog. I love it!!!
Auntie Michelle
I got a puppy. I know what you're talking about. She doesn't make as many cute sounds. aunti Heather
Do we know what Baba or Gowa mean? Are they directed at anything?
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