Addie's growning up so fast. The other day she was standing up leaning on her table and let go to clap at her Mom. She was just standing there like a big kid. It was awesome. There are so many things to mention, so here are a bunch in short hand: Her crawling is at least twice as fast as she was a few weeks ago. She's gone from a creeping turtle to a speedy little rabbit. She climbs up on everything and grabs at everything. If she can reach it she will. She loves to get a hold of things like the knobs on the stereo and lint balls under the couch. She is Jacque Cousteau and our house is her ocean. She mimics and responds to words and gestures so much more. I was blowing on her hot eggs tonight and she picked them up and started blowing too. She'll attempt words you say or sounds and she's stringing her little words together like phrases more and more. She loves to explore the yard and try to eat dirt and twigs, but she's realizing that's not the best idea. She loves the dog next door and seemingly animals of all kinds - even pictures of dogs make her laugh and squeal.
We're having a blast - life is great.
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